Mission Statement
To provide safe, healthy and enjoyable curling programs for all segments and ages of our local community
We are located in the Village of Norwood serving Norwood, Havelock, Hastings and surrounding areas. Our wheelchair accessible facility has 4 sheets, with several daytime & evening leagues. New members welcome & if you’ve never tried curling, come out to our Learn to Curl sessions!
Sturling Curling
Sturling Curling – Every Monday 9:30 to 11:00
We want to remind our members that the Club operates a “Sturling Curling” session each Monday morning 9:30 to 11:00. This session is not a league – 2 person teams are made up randomly each week on the spot from whoever shows up. Cost is $5.00 per week.
Sturling is a great way for new and experienced curlers to practice throwing rocks without having to worry about who wins or loses. In Sturling, everybody wins!!
Give Sturling a try! Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board each week – or just show up
New to Curling? ... have a look at the following video from Curling Canada
2 Minute Intro to the Game of Curling
Curling is a great social game and allows people of all ages to play!
Come join us!!
About Us
The Norwood Curling Club began in 1965 with curling at the local hockey arena. In 1977, members with a vision conducted a fundraising drive, negotiated a lease with the Norwood Agricultural Society and with the assistance of a Wintario grant constructed the current curling club’s ice surface attached to the former Norwood Armouries, which had been sitting vacant and unused. The former Norwood Armouries building serves as the club house/dining/social room. The building is located on the Norwood Fairgrounds which is owned by the Norwood Agricultural Society. The Club was incorporated under the laws of Ontario on December 11, 1987. The Club is enjoyed by the community as it is home to the renowned Norwood Fair, and is also used by the local schools to enhance their sports programs
The club facility, with our fully-licensed clubroom and kitchen area is available for rent year round with the rink area available during the summer months to host weddings, meetings, receptions, parties and other social events.