Friendly Town Car Wash 2025
3rd Place- Skip Katie Payne, Vice Clair Fish, Second Jolene Payne & Lead Evelyn Fish
JJ Stewart Motors 2025
The annual JJ Stewart Motors Bonspiel was held on Saturday January 11, 2025.
We would like to thank JJ Stewart Motors for sponsoring this spiel, all the organizers, volunteers, ice-maker, bar tender, kitchen staff
1st Place winners were from Campbellford-Skip Aaron Nicholas, Vice Colleen Smith, Second Wil VanderMuelen & Lead Erin Hobbs
2nd Place Skip Larry Sullivan, Vice Jan Kajmowicz, Secnd Lori Sullivan & Lead Cyndee Denney
3rd Place Skip Steven Stockdale, Vice Diane Pagett, Second James Jordan & Lead Lori Hill
Hospice Norwood Bonspiel 2025
3rd Place team were Blair & Katie Pollock, Mark & Melanie Cannons
2024 Kawartha Senior Mens Curling League Turkey Bonspiel
Looking for some teams...
Sturling Curling
Great opportuity to practise & perfect your shots! For more info, please contact Andy Crowell @ 705-696-2295. Monday mornings @ 9:30 am, $5/person. Sign up sheet is posted @ club on Club Notice board
League Play Begins Monday November 11, 2024 & Open House Sunday November 17, 2024
Regular League play begins Monday November 11, 2024!!!!
Also, Sturling Curling starts at 9.30 am. Monday November 11.
Open to any curler wanting a chance to throw a few rocks before curling starts!
For more info regarding Sturling Curling please contact Andy Crowell @ 705-696-2295
Open House has been rescheduled for Sunday November 17, 2024 from 1-4 pm
Membership Draw
Open House 2024-POSTPONED
POSTPONED until further notice due to repairs to icemaking equipment & struggles with preparing ice due to the unusually warm weather conditions. League Play will be delayed as well. We are hoping to be open next weekend! Please stay tuned for updates. Thanks to all members for your patience & support!
Thank you to Our Volunteers!
The Norwood Curling Club would like to thank all the volunteers for helping out at the Norwood fall fair. A special thank you to Sherry Scott and Raeburn Scott for organizing and scheduling shifts to work the gates. This is a huge help to keeping some of the Curling Club cost down. Thank you!
Food Handlers Course in Havelock July 15, 2024
The Havelock Seniors Club is hosting the Peterborough Public Health for the Food Handler Course on Monday July 15th.
Please bring a brown bag lunch
Call, email or message Edna E.J. Evans Latone to reserve your spot!
If anyone would like to update or get their Food Handlers course this is a great opportunity! The Curling Club requires volunteers with a current Food Handlers course certificate at each club run bonspiel! Certificate valid for 5 years. Thank you!

Many thanks to Rick & Anne Lochhead for organizing this years event!
The Curling Club needs volunteers to work the bar for league play, bonspiels, special events etc. To work in the bar, a valid Smart Serve certification is required. This can be taken online for a cost of $44.95. Once you complete the course, and bring a copy of your certificate to the club, the club will reimburse you for the cost of the course!

Pickle ball 2024 Now available Wednesdays 9-11 am!!

Hospice Norwood Bonspiel 2024
The Hospice Norwood Bonspiel was held at the Norwood Curling Club Saturday March 16th. Special thanks to all participants in the Hospice Bonspiel, Norwood Curling Club who donated the use of the facility for the day, kitchen helpers Heather Reynolds, Wylanne Curry, Janice Wood & Lori Sullivan, bar tender Ron English, ice maker Larry Sullivan, scorekeepers, ticket sellers and President Jason Ferguson for filling in wherever needed. and all of the Sponsors & Donations-Highland Park Funeral Centre, Papa’s Pizza Land Norwood, Bridgewater Cafe & Pizza in Hastings for breakfast snacks, Hair Fashions 4 All, Sullivan Finishing, Maple View Retirement Residence, Walsh Electric-Ed Walsh, Embrdale Farm-Cathy Stockdale, Scents & Suds, Asphodel Sheep Company, Havelock Timbr Mart, Theo & Marg Van Will, Helen McCauley & Wendy Hale & prior bonspiel winners. We were able to raise $3,000 to donate to Hospice Norwood!! Way to go everyone!! Look forward to seeing everyone again next year!!
Norwood Curling Club AGM 2024 The Annual General Meeting is Wednesday April 10, 2024 @ 7 PM @ Norwood Curling Club.
Please attend the AGM to have your say in the operation of your club. We need volunteers for the Board of Directors (see below) as well as volunteers for bar staff, league conveners, and someone to oversee the Sport's Merchandise table.
Attention Norwood Curling Club Members!! It's that time of year again where we begin looking for volunteers to join the NCC board of directors. These are very rewarding positions and are essential to keep our club going. If you or someone you know is interested in giving back to the club by taking on one of these positions, please sign up on sign up sheet @ Club.
If you have any questions about the role of any of the positions, please feel free to reach out to any of our existing board members or call Jason Ferguson at 705-768-8453.
We look forward to another great year!
President: Responsibilities: Chair board meetings, general supervision of business and affairs of NCC
1st Vice-President: Responsibilities: Conveners / league play, Membership
2nd Vice-President: Responsibilities: Liquor licensing, Club bar, Club Kitchen
Treasurer: Responsibilities: General financial transactions
Secretary: Responsibilities: Meetings and Minutes. Marketing and Communications.
Board Director's (3 Positions): Responsibilities: Learn to curl program, Assist with Bonspiels, Club rentals, maintenance (season set-up and take down), custodial.
Guardian/Centennial Pharmacy Spiel 2024
First place winners- Gord Montgomery, Wendy Hale, Larry & Lori Sullivan
2nd place-Helen McAuley, Diane Pagett, Dan & Chris Pitchie
3rd place- Denton Curry, Pat McGriskin, Don & Shirley Southward
Farmers Spiel/Funspiel
Friendly Town Car Wash bonspiel Saturday February 3, 2024
Many thanks to Friendly Town Car Wash in Norwood for sponsoring the Friendly Town Car Wash bonspiel Saturday February 3, 2024, This bonspiel had all female skips. Thanks to all organizers & volunteers & Ric Thorpe for the donation of door prizes!
1st place team of Janice Wood, Jason Ferguson, Bob Fick & Karen Pasternak
2nd place team of Wendy Hale, Larry Sullivan, Dan Lemon & Lori Sullivan
3rd place team of Heather Reynolds, Denton Curry, Shirley Southward & Don Southward
JJ Stewart Bonspiel 2024

Late draw winners : Fred Veldhuyzon, Colleen Smith, Les Brownson & Katy Mountain from Campbellford
2nd place went to Marcel Jonckheve, Carolyn Jonckheve, Paul Jenkins & Marylyn Jenkins from Trenton
3rd place went to Brent Lepage, Alva Lepage, Don Hand & Jane Crough of Ennismore
Congratulations to Gerald Ferguson, winner of the "Win Your Membership Back" draw!
12th Annual Eleanor Price Golf Tournament
Many thanks to Rick & Anne Lochhead for organizing this years event, taking over following Eleanor Price’s retirement!
Special thanks to all the sponsors who provided prizes. These sponsors include Norwood Fair, Norwood Country Jamboree, Massage Therapy Plus, Norwood Home Hardware, Salt Creek Golf Links, Crossroads Family Restaurant, Aron Theater, King Auto, Warkworth Golf & Country Club, Papa's Pizzaland, McMillan's Sports, Linlor Farms, Sandy Flat Sugar Bush, Oakland Greens Golf & Country Club & Scents & Suds
1st Place goes to Campbellford team Skip Rudy Samoy, Vice Debbie Samoy, 2nd Denton Curry (Norwood Curling Club) & Lead Julie Igleheart
2nd Place winners from Lakefield Curling Club with Skip John Davis, Vice Kim Condon, 2nd Sean Plumpton & Lead Deb Wittshire
3rd Place winners from Norwood Curling Club with Skip Gord Montgomery, Vice Heather Reynolds, 2nd Larry Sullivan & Lead Lori Sullivan
Trillium Foundation Grant Presentation
#ontariotrilliumfoundation #norwoodcurlingclub #campbellfordcurlingclub
Norwood Curling Club held their annual Norwood Guardian Pharmacy spiel. We would like to thank our main sponsor Norwood Guardian Pharmacy. We would also like to thank Andy and Sheila Crowell for the lovely meal, Salt Creek Golf Links, Helen McAulay and Wylanne Curry for the gifts on the prize table. Winning team was Gord Montgomery, Dan Lemon, Leo Christl and Glenda Austen. 2nd Place goes to Denton Curry, Heather Reynolds, Roy Soehner and Lark Soehner. 3rd Place goes to Steven Stockdale, Ric Thorpe, Laura Green and Cathy Stockdale.

Thank you to all those that participated and a special thank you to J.J. Stewart Motors Ltd., for their continued support and sponsorship.
3rd place-Jan Hay, Dan Selby, Lark Soehner & Roy Soehner
3rd Place-West Northumberland Curling Club Cobourg with Skip-Rene Germain, Vice-Gerry Wilson, Second-Pete Wangen & Lead Dave Smith
A total of 8 teams competed in one draw with each team playing two games over the course of the day. Winners were determined on a points earned basis over their two games. Prizes included vintage wine and craft beer for the 1st place team. There was also a draw for Leafs vs Senators tickets as well as a contest to determine who wore the ugliest sweater, the winner receiving a craft beer making kit. The Norwood Curling Club would like to give a special thanks to Celtic Brews in Campbellford, for donating the "brew your own beer" gift certificate.
First place winners of the bonspiel were the team of Gord Montgomery (skip), Sandy Chapman (Vice), Bill Borosiuk (second) and Heather Reynolds (lead).
The draw for the hockey tickets was won by Jan Hay and the winner of the "Ugly Sweater" contest was Denton Curry
Thank you everyone who participated and supported the Norwood Curling Club.